Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day Brunch

Some people ask me where I get my creative side from and honestly, I know I get it from my Mom and my Dad. Throughout my life, I have seen them take on project after project that call for a creative eye.
I know that some people dislike Valentine’s Day, calling it a “Hallmark Holiday.” This may be true but as a wedding photographer, I call it another day to tell someone you love them. Valentine’s Day has always left me with sweet memories. My father cutting my PB&J into hearts or leaving me a special treat to make sure I knew he loved me. I can remember in elementary school my mom threw me a Valentine’s Day party, allowing me to invite a few friends over. I want to say this is where my love of hosting parties came from. I wish I had photos of that party to make what I remember clearer…but I will just have to rely on my memory.  My favorite thing she did at that party was make Jello Champagne Flutes and in the middle was a candy heart. As a child I thought “WOW, how cool!” and as an adult I think, “WOW, what a great thing my mom did for me!”   (thanks MOM)
For the past few years I have been wanting to host a Valentine’s Day Brunch, but never had the chance. Thanks to the internet and blogging, I found MegaBite, a food blogger who has documented her V-Day Brunch through the years. This year I decided to just do it, so into planning mode I went!
Some party prep-photos:
{Yes, those are little heart potatoes….it took me a few hours….and yes, I should have made more}
As you know I decorate my house for every holiday so I knew I wanted to have the brunch in the living room (most decor and most natural light) and that I wanted to utilize my buffet in the kitchen.
{Table Decor was from: Target, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Craft Shows, Trader Joes and DeVries & Co (Eastern Market)}
Oh, so yummy food! Chicken Salad Boats, Mini Quiches, Mini Pancakes, Heart Bacon and Turkey Bacon, Strawberry Brie Baguettes and Heart Potatoes.
A Big thanks to Andrea who helped me with the food prep!
Seven lovely ladies entered my home yesterday; as we sat round the table, I took a minute and realized how lucky I was. That I was able to host this brunch and that I had the honor of playing a part in each of their weddings, photographing, second shooting or standing up in it! I am so blessed that through my photography I have made such good friends!
I hope to have another brunch next year! Thanks for checking it out!
Much love, Miranda

Thursday, January 31, 2013

things I am loving.....JAN

a. I recently had the chance to photograph some yummy treats baked by, The Sparky Noodle BakeryMel and Tim decided to follow their dream of starting a bakery and I love it! Contact them today for any of your baking needs! Wedding Pies, Cakes or Cupcakes PLUS so much more!!!!!!!!
b. I took some time in January to just photograph and it was fun. It took me back to 2003 when this crazy adventure started.
c. MONSTER JAM!!!  I went for my first time and I can not wait to go again! It was so LOUD!!!!
d. I have rekindled my love of Alias, a 2001 TV show. It has been fun re-watching it while editing!
e. Have you seen the Kid President video? Talk about a major PEP-TALK! If you have not watched it…do it NOW!
f. Happy Hookers. I know it sounds dirty but they are helping the people of Detroit stay WARM! I had the chance to document their big event….check out their FB page for more information!
g. I have gathered a Board of Advisers to revamp my company.  Lots of BIG things coming this year. I really hope my dreams become reality!!! :] Thank you all again for your support!!
Did you have anything you LOVED in January?!!?! If so, please share!!
Much love, Miranda

Thursday, January 10, 2013

101 IN 1001 – TAKE THREE

It just hit me that my first ever 101 in 1001 ends this year on October 2nd, 2013!!! Crazy!! 2012′s 101 in 1001 ends October 3rd, 2014!  I have accomplished so many things off my lists and am proud of how far I have come…I just wish I would have blogged more of them!!! Bummer. So let’s make this my number ONE goal this year!!
This year I have decided to start fresh and not even call my list a 101 in 1001, instead go with something a little more me. Welcome to my 101 in 2013 list!   Starting today ending January 10, 2014!! ONLY 365 DAYS! I have ONE year to get as much done as possible! I figured if I don’t get everything done I will just add it to my 101 in 2014 list! BUT I am going to try my HARDEST to stick to the list and really focus on getting things DONE!
Since I am starting fresh I have decided to separate my lists into business and personal goals.
1. Kissed in the rain out of nowhere
2. Stay up all night to watch the sun rise
3. Believe in myself more
4. Take up yoga – go at least once a week
5. Spend an afternoon at a museum by myself
6. Go down as many slides as possible
7. Spend a week on a boat house
8. Skydive
9. Clean out my car every two weeks
10. Kiss Adam once a day (forever)
11. Remember to stand still and take in all those little moments
12. Capture more of my life through my camera
13. Take a road trip alone
14. Host a valentine’s day brunch for friends
15. Take an epic road trip with Adam
16. Go sledding often during the winter
17. Remember just to be ME
18. Travel back to Arizona
19. Get over my fear of salt water
20. Start a ME portrait series one photo a month
21. Be a good friend
22. Spend the night at the grand hotel in mackinaw
23. De-clutter my house and LIFE
24. Take a mini trip with Dreea and Miller
25. Edit my personal photos more often and not let them sit for months
26. Get the roll of film developed from our honeymoon FIVE years ago….is it still good!?!?
27. Design my own wedding album and have it printed
28. Practice “pay it forward” as much as I can
29. Get up at 7am for two weeks straight (in hopes to do this every day)
30. Start recycling
31. Get my annual Wine & Cheese Party published (online – anywhere)
32. Get to my goal weight and become healthier
33. Get new plates and coffee mugs
34. Read 6 books
35. Go kayaking this summer
36. Buy a HOUSE
37. Plan a once in a lifetime adventure to Scotland or Ireland
38. Plan a trip to rediscover ME
39. Craft more projects
40. Become closer to Adam and fall in love with him more and more
41. Lose a shoe
42. Stop buying new clothes until I lose weight
43. Blog more about cooking and new recipes
44. If not moving within a year, repaint the spare room and decorate it
45. Finish projects off of Pinterest
46. Set up a traveling booth and hand out goodies for the 2013 Michigan 3-Day walkers
47. Go apple picking
48. Travel back to New Orleans
49. Host a psychic party
50. Clean and organize my desk once a week
51. Scrapbook more often
52. Volunteer
53. Learn to deal with the fact that I care more for people than they do for me
54. Go on romantic dates at least once a month
55. Go on a fun cruise
56. Scan in my old film prints
57. Go on a picnic
58. Donate blood every few months
59. Create a new window display for each season/month
60. Keep the bedroom clean and free of mess!
61. Add a new addition to our family (human not animal)
62. Keep up with not drinking Soda/Pop
63. Set aside Sunday night for date nights with Adam (part of #34 )
64. Don’t eat fast food for a year
65. Take the dogs for a walk once a week
66. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years (idea from how I met your mother)
67. Have lunch with a friend at least once a month
68. Travel to Maine during lobsterfest
69. Blog more of my 101 accomplishments
70. Buy a new camera
71. Buy a fireproof safe to store back up dvd’s
72. Buy new lenses (#1 . 85mm)
73. Photograph 10 newborns in a year
74. Buy an owl timer and use it daily
75. Attend WPPI, again
76. Have more or my work publish, online or in a magazine
77. Begin a new photography project
78. Blog “things I am loving…” for a year
79. Work on a faster turnaround time
80. Take my company to a new level
81. Blog about all the fun gifts I give my clients
82. Blog at least 4 times a week
83. Rework my photography workflow
84. Send vendor gifts to some of my favorite vendors
85. Pay off that stupid credit card I got when first starting out
86. Put together a monthly letter
87. Become friends with more female wedding photographers
88. Stick to my weekly
89. Create an actual website with galleries
90. Finish backing up my hard drives
91. Stay up to date with all of my backups
92. Book and Photograph 20+ weddings in 2013
93. Book and Photograph 20+ weddings in 2014
94. Learn to better manage my money
95. Blog more casual Fridays
96. Photograph a live birth
97. Photography two more bump series
98. Attend a few workshops to better my business
99. Practice more off camera lighting techniques
100. Order new sample albums
101. Go on a photography adventure once a month
102. Focus on 379 Boudoir
103. Blog once a day for a month (6 times)
104. Update circle info
105. Get my blog to 500 posts
106. Create my client welcome packet
107. Photograph more weddings out of state

Ok, well 107! Here is to a wonderful 2013!!! My 365 starts today!!! Where to start!!?!?!!?!??? Where to start!!?!?!!?!???
If you have a 101 in 1001 link it! I want to check it out!!
Much love, Miranda

Monday, December 31, 2012


a. My gold shoes! I got these from Target in December and I can not stop wearing them!!
b. I love love love Amazon. Anything I need is a click away! Recently my wishlist has been filled with cleaning and organizing stuff…and I am so thrilled because I was so blessed to have received a lot of it as gifts for Christmas! :] Thank you family!
c. Our TREE!  Most people are surprised when they come into our home around Christmas because they expect to see a huge tree. But in fact we have a tall skinny lime green tree! We only have 11 ornaments - one for each year we have been together! Each one has a special meaning to us!
2002: An Elephant 2003: Two red hearts connected by one string 2004: A glowing skiing snowman 2005: A fun glitter tree 2006: A canoe 2007: Cruse ship/two flamingos 2008: metal heart 2009: Skiing marshmallow man 2010: Airplane with a hanging heart 2011: Elvis 2012: Ceramic Michigan
d. My besties. I love them SO much! Miller received a job offer in Indiana and is now living there….I miss her every day and Dreea is enjoying married life!!!
e. The Lion King!!!! Adam got us tickets for Christmas!! I can not wait to see it in February!!
f. Random gifts. Who doesn’t love random gifts?!!? This one is from Stephanie and Dan as a wonderful thank you!!! :]
g. Noah and Owen. They have started saying my name and it kills me every time!!!!!  Just MELTS ME!  Here is a recent video……don’t mind the actual video…just the audio!!!!
What were you loving in December?
Much love, Miranda

Friday, November 30, 2012


Where did October and November GO?? Things have been super busy and crazy here at Inner Circle Photography! My year is slowly winding down….but editing is keeping me busier than ever!
November flew by I didn’t even get a chance to do my “things I love…” installment!!!
a. Have you visited yet? Well you should! Jen the creator is AMAZING. How I wish I could be her!!!!  Since discovering it I have been in super organizational mode whenever I have free time!!! My office, the house….my life! Except when one of my friends  made a comment about how messy my car is…ha ha ha. My goal this winter is to de-clutter and get my home together!!! No more messes!!!!!
b. My Bee. She got married to Mario!!! It was an amazing wedding!!! So happy my good friend(s) were able to capture their wedding day!!!
c. Noah and Owen. Oh man are they getting big!!! I was so happy because I got to see them a lot in November…in person, over the phone or via Skype!!!
d. Oh My Word. I love love love for real. I mean check out the amazing free crappy portrait Adam and I got!!!
e. I love the USPS’s APC – Automated Postal Center! Because on days where I look and feel like Gus Gus from Cinderella I am happy to not have to wait in the long postal lines to get my packages out to my clients!!!!! :]
f. I look forward to my Umba Box every month! I can not wait to see what goodies are waiting for me! Check out their site for more information on their product! For me it is the best way to find crafters and their amazing creations!!
g. Hello Instagram. Know I might not be super cool like Kylie and have over 2,000 followers (I tease cause I love you!) but I do LOVE Instagram!!!
h. Showing emotion in photographs – it’s in the hands!!!  Can you see the difference between the kisses?????
Oh December, how I love thee.
On a side note to all clients: I am in a mad rush to edit everything so you can have all of your prints in time for Christmas!!! Trust me I am working super hard to do that for everyone….With that said all print orders must be placed by December 12th Please remember that orders will not be processed until monies are received. This must happen on or before December 17th in order for you to have your images in your hands for Christmas!!!!! Thank you all for another wonderful year!!
Much love, Miranda

Saturday, November 24, 2012


One year ago today we welcomed Feta into our family.
Here are some photos from Feta’s year with us!!!!!
11.20.11 – Feta’s first visit!
 I am always so nervous when people bring their dogs over because Samson is not the friendliest when it comes to other animals. One day last November my friend brought her dog, Feta over for a gathering and when Feta came into our house it was like she was HOME.  Samson LOVED her and they played so well together. The next day Samson was extra sad….so I called my friends and told her how much Samson missed Feta and asked when they could play together again. We decided on Thanksgiving…..and Feta has been with us since then!!!!
11.24.11 – Feta is ours!!! Happy Thanksgiving! Welcome!
11.24.11 How cute!!
Love her!!
12.25.11 Christmas!!!
01.01.12 It didn’t take long to corrupt her!
01.13.12 First real snowfall!!!
We all remember this one….. 07.04.12
10.09.12 & 04.07.12
11.24.12 – Happy One year FETA!!
We love her lots and so does everyone who meets her! They all want to steal her BUT we are so happy she is ours!
Happy Saturday all!
Much love, Miranda

Friday, November 2, 2012


So, some time last year I heard about this website called Free Crappy Portraits….and I couldn’t stop looking!
 All you have to do is send them a photo or two, of what you would like them to draw and a little description about you. (How to)
Here is what I wrote:
As of July 7th 2012, Adam and I have been married for 5 years! Samson is our Boston Terrier and Feta is our French Bulldog. We just got back from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter…we both got wands and it was a blast. Adam, works IT , is very smart and laid back and I am a wedding photographer who is very loud and all out there…but we make the perfect team.  I submitted a mix of photos…have fun!
The site took a hiatus but is back up and running now…..and check out the email I got this week!!!
Our free crappy portrait!!! I can not stop laughing at it!!! Adam said it was amazing. I can not wait to frame it and put it up in the living-room!!!!!
So what are you waiting for, go check out!!!!!
Much love,